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excessive size

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bed size — Single size bed Bed size refers to the dimensions of a mattress and the names by which standard sizes are called. Beds themselves vary widely in size according to the degree of ornamentation but are sold according to the size of mattress they… …   Wikipedia

  • Serving size — The serving size of a food product is a confusing term, as it is found both on the Food Pyramid and on Nutrition Labels and has two related but differing meanings. The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion sets the standards for these… …   Wikipedia

  • macrorhinia — Excessive size of the nose, either congenital or pathologic. [macro + G. rhis (rhin ), nose] * * * mac·ro·rhin·ia (mak″ro rinґe ə) [macro + rhin + ia] excessive size of the nose …   Medical dictionary

  • Gigantism — refers to excessive growth both in height and specific body parts. Gigantism with extreme growth in height may be associated with disorders of the pituitary gland, which secretes human growth hormone (somatotrophin) during childhood before the… …   Medical dictionary

  • art conservation and restoration — Maintenance and preservation of works of art, their protection from future damage, deterioration, or neglect, and the repair or renovation of works that have deteriorated or been damaged. Research in art history has relied heavily on 20th and… …   Universalium

  • Image scanner — Desktop scanner, with the lid raised. An object has been laid on the glass, ready for scanning …   Wikipedia

  • E-mail attachment — An e mail attachment (or email attachment) is a computer file which is sent along with an e mail message. The file is not a separate message, but now it is almost universally sent as part of the message to which it is attached.Attached messages… …   Wikipedia

  • calligraphy — calligrapher, calligraphist, n. calligraphic /kal i graf ik/, calligraphical, adj. calligraphically, adv. /keuh lig reuh fee/, n. 1. fancy penmanship, esp. highly decorative handwriting, as with a great many flourishes: She appreciated the… …   Universalium

  • Cock E.S.P. — Cock E.S.P. is a US American band based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The group draws on the most extreme, subversive and absurdist elements of both popular and experimental Twentieth century music and performance art, creating abstract high energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Chang'an — …   Wikipedia

  • giantism — noun 1. excessive size; usually caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland • Syn: ↑gigantism, ↑overgrowth • Hypernyms: ↑hypertrophy • Part Meronyms: ↑hyperpituitarism 2. excessive largeness of s …   Useful english dictionary

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